Writing an Absinthe Phase

Absinthe does a lot when you fire a GraphQL query at it. The incoming query is parsed into an internal representation, validated and finally executed. This process is done by phases, these are individual modules chained together in a pipeline that each do a single step in processing the queries. Phases in Absinthe do a lot of work. They are the building blocks in validating and executing the GraphQL query. E. »

Absinthe Tips and Tricks

Absinthe is a great package for building GraphQL api’s in Elixir. It is fast, good DSL and overall great implementation of the GraphQL spec for servers. Working with Absinthe I’ve come across some patterns that have helped clean up code. I’d like to share some of them here. The Self function Imagine you have an image object you want to expose, and for each image you want a separate object with just the dimensions of the image. »

Swotex hex package

Swotex hex package Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. »

Looking back at year in tech

Retrospective Last year was an interesting year for me. I was able to try out a whole lot of new technologies, assess their capabilities and get a good look at their pros and cons. I want to go over a couple of them, and shortly summarize my findings. Typescript In short, Typescript made Javascript fun for me again. Although a lot of this can be attributed to the support of ES6/ES7 in Typescript. »

Upgrading Phoenix to Http2

Upgrading phoenix framework to serve http2 Http2 is the next version of the http protocol and offers several advantages. It serves over a single connection, reducing the number of roundtrips necessary. With multiplexing it can handle multiple requests at the same time and as a whole is just better. As the internet slowly moves to support http2, Phoenix does not lag behind. The webserver Phoenix uses, Cowboy, has released version 2 with support for http2 and the updates to Phoenix and Plug have followed in its path. »

Uploading to Google Cloud Storage using Arc and Phoenix

In this post I will demonstrate how to upload to Google Cloud Storage using Arc and Arc.Ecto in Phoenix. There are several examples on how to use Arc in combination with S3 or local file uploads but the GCS integration is a bit more unknown. I assume you have an up to date elixir installation and know your way around Phoenix and GCS. mix archive.install https://github.com/phoenixframework/archives/raw/master/phx_new.ez mix phx.new web --no-brunch Follow instructions to configure your postgres credentials in config/dev. »